Khairul's Handmade Scout Trooper Armor

Click on images for larger picts. Image 07 of Khairul's Scout armor
Image 01 of Khairul's Scout armor
Image 03 of Khairul's Scout armor
Image 04 of Khairul's Scout armor
Image 06 of Khairul's Scout armor
Image 08 of Khairul's Scout armor
Image 09 of Khairul's Scout armor

Hello there...After a whole month,my friend and I finally finished the Biker Scout costume for the ROTS screening at a local cinema(Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia) on the 23rd of may 2005.

The materials that were used were mainly plastic pvc pipes,cut opened and flattened with a clothing iron,and some mounting boards for certain areas,and also some paper clay for touch-ups.The belt buckle and boxes armor,and helmet were made out of flattened pvc pipes :D

There are some missing and modified pieces of the costume. For example,there are no knee pads,no torso pouches and the shoulder pads are not accurate. I used the Kotobukiya Scout Trooper figure as my reference.

Hope u enjoy the pics :D

F.Y.I. I shouldn't get all the credits alone :) My friend, Firdaus, helped me alot too,especially the helmet.



Note: Everyone needs to take a moment and reflect on what they just read and see in these pictures. This is hardcore costuming on a budget. We tip our hat to Khairul. KUDOS!
-Studio Creations